Opposite of Repartee

AS we near the home stretch of this seemingly endless health care debate, I long for the clearest, most unfiltered entryway into the mindsets of the people studying the issues.

For after all the prognosticating pros have had their say, we’re talking about the government of the people, by the people, for the people. Following my recent drop-in on a cyber chat room, at least I’m guessing that’s what we’re talking about…

AwesomeDude5: Yo. What up?

Hellboy666: Angelina rocks.

JokerManiac6: My old man’s old man looks like that McKane dude. 😦

IronGuy11: Later, Mummee. Gotta go hit the Lawn & Garden store.

Mummee2: Later. What are you picking up?

InkredibleHulk2: Maniac, you mean “McCain.” 🙂 What did you guys think of his reaction to Obama’s speech?

IronGuy11: The usual stuff. A bunch of manure.

Mummee2: The Lawn & Garden fertilizer brand is on sale. Pick me up some too?

Serioussurfer3: Hey, everybody.

IronGuy11: Will do, Mummee. Later.

AwesomeDude5: How are the waves, serious surfer?

RayCharlz4: Yo, all. What up?

BatGuy7: I thought Obama looked presidential.

SpaceChimp6: Are you blind?

RayCharlz4: Naw, Space, I just dig Ray’s music.

Serioussurfer3: Waves are awesome, AwesomeDude.

Supermodel82: I’m back everyone.

AwesomeDude5: That’s seriously awesome, Serious.

SpaceChimp6: I dig his music too, Ray. What was that big hit of his? “I’ll have to pack my things and go.”

BatGuy7: Then again, what do I know about presidential? I voted for W.

RayCharlz44: “Hit the road, Jack.”

SpaceChimp6: And don’t you come back no more, no more, no more, no more! That’s the song, Ray!

KFPanda2: How could Ray be blind if he’s typing on a keyboard, SpaceChimp?

RayCharlz4: Give him a break. I could have been dictating to my sighted secretary.

InkredibleHulk2: McCain survived as prisoner of war, but would he have survived as prisoner of the White House?

BatGuy7: POW. POW.

Supermodel82: KaPow! KaPow!

KFPanda2: He’s BatGuy, Supermodel82. Not Batman.

RayCharlz4: Hey, Panda, lighten up. You’re starting to bring me down, man.

AwesomeDude5: How’s that new diet of yours coming along, supermodel82?

Supermodel82: I lost ten pounds! 🙂

AwesomeDude5: Awesome!!!!  🙂 Still avoiding desserts? 😦

RayCharlz44: Gotta run. I want to watch Obama’s speech on YouTube.

Supermodel82: I’d rather vomit.

AwesomeDude5: So that’s how you lost the ten pounds, Supermodel. Awesome!! 🙂

BarackObama: It was fantastic. He really knows what he’s talking about. Such eloquence. Such grace.

Supermodel82: Yeah, Awesome, that way I can eat whatever I want! Like breath mints. :}

InkredibleHulk2: Obama’s greener than I am.

BatGuy7: Hey, Barack. How come you’re not BarackObama2… or 3… Or 44?! How did you manage to nab the name of the dude, himself?

Hellboy 666: Can we get back to Angelina?

BarackObama: YES, WE CAN!

BatGuy7: OH MY GOD!!! You’re MY superhero!!

AwesomeDude5: YOU’RE awesome!!!!!!!!!!! # :^})

BarackObama: Thanks. Later. Gotta go sneak a cigarette.

JohnMcCain: Where’s the $%^&*!! carriage return on this thing?


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